A.I. for Field Processes on State’s Largest Public ProjectA.I. for Field Processes on State’s Largest Public Project - Commodore | Walsh
Groundbreak 24 - Best AI for the FieldHey, Groundbreakers, are you ready for Denver? Because we sure are! We're packing up our best Bots and treats, and we’re ready to roc k...
Introducing the all-new Site Permits Bot – Complete Management of Site PermitsWe're excited to announce the launch of our Site Permits Bot. Not only will this bot manage the entire Hot Work Permit process, including...
Remote safety management made possible with A.I. + Procore + QR CodesHow Nyfty Supports HR Construction Safety + Procore + AI + QR Codes HR Construction leverages several of Nyfty’s innovative bots.
Multi Family Manpower Logging in ProcoreAMLI Residential use Nyfty Manpower Bot for Multi Family Manpower logging in Procore
QR Codes and Text Messages for Procore-Autodesk: Forms & Inspections made easyThe Nyfty Bots leverage the simplicity of QR Codes and the ubiquity of text messages to make forms and Inspections easy.
Procore Safety QR Codes for Orientations, Toolbox and Pre-Task PlansNyfty kills 99% of non-compliance to safety processes, using your existing Procore safety tools and QR Codes Ensuring safety compliance...
The Rogers-O’Brien Collaboration - Digitized Sign-In and Sign-Out Sheet for ProcoreThe Rogers-O’Brien Collaboration - Digitized Sign-In and Sign-Out Sheet for Procore
Procore Manpower Log Automated in Daily LogManpower Log automated in Procore Daily Log. From simple SMS (text message) automation to full Attendance Management.